Checkout a garden along with your books

seedlibrary1On February 2nd’s “Weekend Edition,” Luke Runyon reported on the small library in Basalt, Colorado that is experimenting with offering patrons seed packets in addition to books. Runyon described the program: “A library card gets you a packet of seeds. You then grow the fruits and vegetables, harvest the new seeds from the biggest and best, and return those seeds so the library can lend them out to others.”

Library Director Barbara Milnor sees the program as a way to stay relevant and an excellent draw for patrons. Library patron Stephanie Syson and her 4-year old daughter had just finished reading a picture book with a large white bunny on the cover, so their first choice from the basket of seed packets was labeled “rainbow” carrots. At the checkout desk, Syson commented, “For her to see a little pot of dirt and to plant a seed into it, and then 30 days later being able to eat something from it is really exciting for her. She really enjoys seeing that whole process.” How nice that the process starts at the library!

Barbara L.